Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Rishi Joshi Just Wants to Help

Rishi Joshi feels very good about his main career field, which is cybersecurity. He sees it as a growth industry. With all new connected technologies going forward, there will always exist a potential for hacking, which makes his field extremely important. For example, as the "Internet of Things" begins to take hold, it is sure to bring with it many new opportunities for cybersecurity innovators, and he hopes to be at the forefront of that. Rishi Joshi has studied in the areas of supercomputers and their attributes, he is most highly skilled in many areas of cybersecurity, especially as it applies to application software development and infrastructure technologies, but also as it relates to the internet, e-learning, and gaming technologies.

One thing that motivates Rishi Joshi in nearly everything he does is his desire to help people. That means everything to him. He’s takes a huge interest in the sport of powerlifting, which is an ideal way to increase and develop an athlete's physical strength. However, he doesn’t stop at simply building his own body and mind; he also like to coach and train his friends and others in the sport. That’s not even enough, however, since he also tries to assist them with meeting their nutritional needs.

By helping them become better powerlifters, Rishi Joshi truly believes he is helping them become healthier and more disciplined. Powerlifting and weight training are excellent forms of exercise and lifting weights is easy to get into. It also doesn’t cost a lot of money to get into.